The Reg
1st Floor
About to go to my apartment!
9:48 pm
Monday, May 23, 2005
Syndrome of Pain
I got my MRI results back, and mostly good news. I have a mildly degenerating disk, but not enough to cause serious issues. The MRI was basically normal. So, turns out I have
Myofascial Pain Syndrome , which is exactly what it sounds like. It's a muscle problem: the muscles get sore and angry, push on the disk, pinch the spin, etc etc.
Exactly what I've been saying has been going on for two years. But good thing is I get to go the Pain Clinic. What a fabulous name right? Basically they're going to shoot my back full of steriods, which should make it stop hurting all the time. So that's that. At least I know what's wrong now, right? Dr. Blackman says that we'll keep testing every once in a while to make sure it doesn't get worse, especially if I have a "progression of symptomes." I'd argue that I already have, but she is the Doctor. I really hope the drugs work. This entire time I've just wanted to know what's wrong and to make the pain go away. Maybe this time it will.
The new apartment is fantastic, although I feel like my life vomited everywhere. I'm at that stage of unpacking where the number of boxes is shrinking, but the piles of shit everywhere are increasing. Yea, it's rather annoying, but I'll deal. Unpacking is kinda fun, truth be told, and I'm in love with the fact that I'll get to live here for at least a year. Oh, god that's such a great feeling. No more change of address forms, no more boxes. No more sucky Dorm people. It's almost too good to be true.
Only 2 1/2 weeks left. I'm so ready for the summer. I have my ASL finals this week, and my final political movements paper due Friday. I could turn it in as late as Wendesday, and I may do just that. For now, I'm shooting for Friday. French Oral final either Wednesday or Friday, then the written final Monday of finals week.
Bonnaroo is so close I can almost taste it.
Adam is more in my life now, and I'm happy about that. I talked to him for about half an hour today as I walked home through the parks, feeling lucky that I get to experience Chicago in the Spring. I'm so happy to live in this city, to have this life. I'm truely thankful for the wonderful opportunities that I've been given, the amazing people I can surround myself with.
Tomorrow I go and tour the Merit School of Music, at the new building. It's on the West Side, two blocks North of UIC-Halsted, which is pretty sweet. I know that area a bit since I worked three stops down the blueline in Pilsen last year. And I wouldn't mind meeting some UIC people, although popular adage has it that all the smart ones go to U of C of UIC-Champaign. I'm so looking forward to the summer! Hooray for musical theater with children!
Oh voice lessons! I realized the other day that I sing as much as I used to in middle school. Well, almost as much, and I love it. My friends back home are going to find my new random bursts of song entertaining. Eric -- remember that time when I sang " I want a Bean Feast" really loudly in Brookshires and all those people looked and it echoed and shit? Hehehe. To go back to my original tangent, I'm glad to be able to work in a more efficiently run office with competent people, and also having the chance to pursue things I love like singing, and possibly playing the cello again. Hooray!
Alii and I may have accidentally adopted a cat. Her name is Socrates. I named her, and I'm not sure why, but that name fits. She has these really light green eyes: moss green and she's fantastic. She's a kitty, but not super tiny. Like a 10 year only child chronologically, if you get my drift. She obviously know how to take care of herself, she's just started liking to spend time with us. We meet her outside the back door when we were all moving furniture. Then, later, when we were sitting on boxes in the living room, she just sauntered on in, and made the rounds to be petted. We like her a lot.
Since we don't have the internet yet, my posts may be long. Bear with me here: I can only do so much. Tomorrow I can go get a new airport card though! Super duper! And home I go. I hope Alii made dinner.
I love my love, Myofascial Pain Syndrome and all.