Inherently Ridiculous

Nuggets of Wisdom, Bowls of Preponderance. Ashing on Your Floor Since 2003.


To Clarify

My Room
Rehearsal Looming . . .
6:11 pm
Wednesday, May 5, 2005

To Clarify

So, it seems that one of my posts have been misread, misunderstood, and generally poorly construed amongst the mass of people going to Bonnaroo.

Let me Clarify.

I in no way meant that I only want to spend time with my dear friends at Bonnaroo. Quite the contrary, I meant the part about wanting to meet and get to know the ladies that are such a large part of my friends' lives. I figure, my friends are amazing, so these women must be too. I am truely looking forward to meeting them, getting to know them, jamming with them. Anyone who knows me well should be well abreast to the fact that I love meeting new people; I'm looking at Bonnaroo as an opportunity to make new friends, as well as reconnect with old ones.

In said blog post (The Ladies of Bonnaroo) I was voicing my own worries, insecurities not because I think that's what's going to happen, but because I want to do everything in my power to make those worries null and void. I tend to be the type of person who has to get things out in plain sight, if only to myself (or the entire world as the case of the blog may be) before I can fully get a handle on them and develope an appropriate plan of action. I didn't mean to offend, and upon rereading my post, I think that some people took what I said out of the context of who I am. The negative things were directed towards me, not others, and were referring to faults and problems I've encounted in my life, things I'm personally working on as a person.

At the same time, I defend what I said: there is potential for weirdness with the group containing 5 people at this point. Potential that I hope is quickly dissipated. I'm a sociologist: I study groups of people. It's what I do. It's second nature for me to examine the nature of the group I'm in, and to theorize therein. Ask Bryan, Eric, my dad, roomate, fish: I tend to expound on group theory at length. But like most sociology, theory rarely equates to actuality.

It's true: it is more of a priority to spend time with the guys: I know them, miss them, care about them and will only be in Texas for less then two weeks. A large part of who I am is thanks to those people, for which I am eternally grateful. But at the same time, I think that anyone who knows me would be aware that I am not the kind to be exclusionary of other people in any way.

I want to go, have a great time, jam my face off with my friends, both the one I possess upon arrival, and the ones I plan to make. So please, let's stop the drama. I don't think I was being rude: the dialogue was directed to me, not to anyone else. We're all going to go, rock our collective socks off and be better people for it. Stupid shit that I, or anyone else for that matter, says on their blog should a) not be misconstrued and takend out of the context of that person as a individual and b) get in the way of the super fabulous amazing stupendous time we're all going to have.

So, let's take a deep collective breath and move on with our lives. Bonnaroo is going to be fabulous, we'll all be a big huge happy family if we all approach each other as individuals, complete individuals with their own issues, not out of context. Take a look at things from my side of the country, kay?

I love you all, and in no way meant to offend. If I did, I apologize.
Can we all move on now?


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