Inherently Ridiculous

Nuggets of Wisdom, Bowls of Preponderance. Ashing on Your Floor Since 2003.


The Girls of Bonnaroo

About to go to Rehearsal
7:52 pm
Monday, April 25, 2005

The Girls of Bonnaroo

I don't know what the deal is, but the girlfriends of my friends, with whom I'm going to Bonnaroo with have all been facebook messaging me this week. It's kinda odd. As a general rule, not so much with me being good friends with chicks. I'm a little worried -- this guys are my best friends,and we've been planning on going to Bonnaroo since before this ladies came into the picture. Yes, I want to meet them, get to know them, so on and so forth, but that's not my main goal. These people are my life, my connections to home, and I want to spend time with them. It'll be highly annoying if a) I don't ever get to spend quality time with them because of their female companions, and/or b) they decide that I have to be "one of the girls" and don't understand that they're not my first priority. I also hope they don't see me as a threat, because Lord knows I'm not. The whole idea of other girls -- not that I'm not a girl, but I'm a tad different, as Eric says, I socially carry myself like a dude, I didn't get invovled with bullshit, and I don't gossip, freak out, etc, etc. I'm just worried, because I have a pretty shitty history when other females, especially of the girlfriend variety, enter the group of dudes I hang out with. They tend to dislike me, band together against me. I think this stems from not being able to understand that 1) i relate to their boyfriends differently then they do (aka: purely intellectually and socially), and 2) being restentful of that. I'm a big huge worry wart, but that's what on my mind. And lord knows what Baylor Bitches will be comign with Eric. I mean, if there's a couple, then that frees me from having to straddle the line between the girlfriends, and the guys. Ah, whatever. Ultimately, I'm not going to worry about it. Well, okay, that's a lie. I'm going to think about it, but there's not a goddamn thing I can do. I'm going to trust that my friends have good taste in women romantically, and leave it at that. Oh, i just pray there isn't any drama.


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