Inherently Ridiculous

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Good Life

My Room
End of the Day
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Happy, but Worn Out
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11:56 pm
Wednesday, April 6, 2005

Good Life

Damn, I love my life. For all the stress, lack of sleep, over-workedness, and general shit-I-gripe-about, I really, truely am so glad and thankful for my existance. I was reading Lauren's blog today and I was moved. Maybe that's why we're so very similar -- she calls it God, I call it Life.

But the point still stands. I am all I've got, truth be told, and that is a wonderful reality to which I am fully awake. My life is mine to life, create, mold, fufill a I see fit, and do that I shall. I'm all about embracing life, challenges and rewards, struggles and hardships, squeezing every ounce of goodness out of it I can.

I am marvelous, perfect, brillant, lovely, fabulous and wonderful. I have beautiful, brillant friends whom I love deeply and whom love me too. I have creative outlets, and my mind is definately engaged. I eat well, don't sleep enough, but am generally in good spirits. I have a summer of saving the world to look forward to, fall in Paris (hopefully; they started a new fall civilization program, so things are looking good), and my apartment.

I've made it my goal this quarter to be more thankful. Specifically thankful to people who do nice things for me, are nice people, and generally augment my life just by being in it. I've also started taking more time to be thankful to Life in general. Thankful for who I am, what I can do, and the opportunities I've been given/am given to do things that make my soul happy. I've been sending thankful emails, letters, and generallly making time for thankfulness. It fills me with a great sense of satisfaction and peace. I wish that for all my friends, so you there, reading this, give it a try.

Thank time to give thanks, take time to be give.
I'm gonna stop and think twice about the way I've been living.
Did I say a kind word?
Am I proud of my actions?
A job well done give me satisfaction.



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