Inherently Ridiculous

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I Could Totally Take Heidi Coleman

My Room
About to Nap
1:33 pm
Thursday, April 28, 2005

I Could Totally Take Heidi C. [edited due to personal complaint]

She is the head of the University Theater Department. Which sucks a lot. Naked Theater was made in reaction to UT, because they're bureaucratic and soul-sucking. I mean, truely horrible -- they crush the fabulous, artistic, creative spirit. So here's what went down.

Chris and I went to meet the Bill Michael (Dean of Student Life) to see about procuring a space for Naked Theater. Naked is the theater comapny I'm invovled in, in case you missed that. We were started last year, and we we're already growing, expanding, creating traditions, and making beautiful, inspiring work. We need a theater. Why is it that UT has permenant jurisdicition over all the theaters on campus? Can Naked have the BJ Theater since UT has never never done a production in there? These are the questionst that took Chris and I to Bill Michael. He was so helpful. He listened and I think he understands our position, our legitmate reasons for complaint. He said we needed to go talk to Heidi Coleman to see what the procedure are that are already in place for using their theaters. So we did.

And goddamn, she's the biggest bitch ever. Yes, she doesn't like Naked Theater. That's fine. I don't like UT. But she had no right to treat me that way. I don't care what organization I'm from, or how our artisitic opinions differ. Neither of us had ever met her before. She was rude. She was condescending. She refused to listen to our opinions. It was horrible.

So, Naked Theater is in a battle now. We're trying to get space, Chris and I may go and file a formal complaint against that Crusty Cunt formally, with her boss. We're up in arms though. I say Bring It. I can totally take Heidi C. We're going to talk about it at the meeting tonight. Which I'm chairing. Good God.

In other news, Life's okay. My dad bought me a new car! A Honda Element. Yea, I'm excited. Good times. I gave a campus tour to children today. I have meetings upon meetings for many many things. I with I didn't have to work, I mean at STRIVE. But, I need money. Budget for Naked is due in a week. God I'm a bureaucrate sometimes. At leat I use bureacrative power for good, right?

I had a paper due yesterday that went well. I realized I'm really quite good at reading and thinking about what I find therein. It's pretty sweet. I mean, I realized that that's my life. I was a little strung out, "Oh, God. I wrote this paper all day. I had to get up and read, and write and ohh poor me." Then I realized, damn, I've got it good. This is a great life.

The play's going . . .eh. We open in two weeks, and the actors need to get their act together, remove their collective heads from their asses and get serious. Honestly, they're the ones that'll look stupid on opening night, not me. Not Ben. It's stressful, and I'm behind in my work. C'est la vie.

Nap Time!


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