Inherently Ridiculous

Nuggets of Wisdom, Bowls of Preponderance. Ashing on Your Floor Since 2003.


Wouldn't It Be Cool If?

I wake up and I'm in my apartment, all moved in. Things are lovely, and I smell bacon cooking.

I'm in Texas, with all my friends, sans traveling hassel.

My paper wrote themselves.

The doctors fix my back tomorrow.

I'm in Paris

I'm not lonely

Ultimately, none of those things are going to happen. I'm magic but not that magic. I'm working on it. All of those dreams will become a reality, but due to some effort on my part, that's for damn sure. I'm not stressed though -- and it's odd. I have my French Oral Final Friday, but things are shaping up rather nicely. Paper due next Wednesday, or the Wednesday after at the latest, then ASL finishes up, then a weekend to do a psychology paper.

Then I'm done. This year hasn't turned out academically as brillant as one would hope. But at the same time I've grown as a person in some pretty fundamental ways. I keep remember what Maria told me at the beginning of the year: people's grades tend to go down, on the whole, during their second year. So, maybe I'm academically normal?

That's all the worrying I've got in me right now. Oh packing. This is so damn annoying. Friday, oh will I do most of it Friday.

Trashy fiction, and bed here I come. Damn, I need to get up and do laundry. Ehh. And read French. Ehh.


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