Inherently Ridiculous

Nuggets of Wisdom, Bowls of Preponderance. Ashing on Your Floor Since 2003.


Things I'm NOT Doing

1. Going to the amazing performance by a renowned Deaf French comedian/lecturer
2. Going to see William Finn's "Elegies"
3. Going to a huge party of fun.
4. Worrying about what the deal is with Karl and he wants to talk to be about later. He feels we haven't "touched base" in a while. Ehhh.
5. Throwing shoes at Emily Rhodes for sucking a lot, and using the Naked listhost as a way to slanderize me publically, when really it comes down to us not getting along. Grow the fuck up. Please.
6. Reading my tasty Flannery O'Connor collection that gathers dust by my bed side.
7. Making my Hippie Kit.
8. Curling up and watching West Wing, after cooking a delicious meal.
9. Feeling good about life.

One of those things is a lie.

Things I will be doing:

1. Going to the library.
2. Eating
3. Having that fun fantastic discussion of joy with Karl.
4. Trying to regain, retain my sanity.

I'm the coolest person ever.


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