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Damn Those Heart Strings

The Reg
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Lonely, but Happy
2:21 pm
Thursday, May 26, 2005

Damn Those Heart Strings

So, I love my life. I want to state that right off the back before I go and feel sorry for myself for a bit. As I walked to campus today, through a park where people were sleeping in the sun, walking dogs, and being happy -- I realized that I've never been so content. I was having a super fabulous Damn I Love My Life kinda morning.

Then I saw Karl. This wasn't a bad thing -- I went and poked him and waved and kept moving -- I have shit to do. It wasn't Karl himself that was unsettling, but the tugging at my heart strings that I felt. Not for him specifically, just for someone. Now we all know I'm damn picky, and not just anyone will do. All of a sudden, I walking to the bank feeling alone, incomplete, unfinished. The strength of it all hit me full in the face, and I couldn't shake it.

"I want someone to hold. Someone who understands how I feel at a time like now. Someone. Someday. Someday." A Tree Grows in Brooklyn

I went to Bar Night last night with all the Naked Theater people and it was fantastic. Truely brillant. I got blatently propositioned for sex, no suprise, and drank a lot of beer. I mean, it's not my fault if people keep buying it for me, right? Good times were had by all.

I really love my friends. Each and everyone of them, and all because of the singularly amazing people each of them is. Amazing. My friends amaze me. What did I do before Naked Theater? My life must have been so empty. Oh yeah, I remember: it was empty, and I drank a lot.

So, the lonliness is only in a romantic sense. I have great friends aplenty, but I don't like sleeping alone all the time. Not that I'm willing to compromise my rigorous standards, not that I regret breaking it off with Karl, not that I'm looking to get involved in anything right now, persay. I just want someone to call when I'm home alone, someone to smell my skin when I get out of the shower. Someone to kiss the back of my neck while I cook.

The only way you won't find love is if you give up on it, right?



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