Dancing Queen
Kinda Drunk
Smokin' a Bowl
Finishing My Baccardi
About to Go Wander the Halls
Not Prepared for Tomorrow
Happy, so Fuck It
11:33 pm
September 28, 2004
Dancing Queen
Maybe, it's genetic, but sometimes, I just have to dance. I get sucked into the rhythm, it burrows deep into my soul and demands to not only be heard, but obeyed. I love to dance and today was a rhythmic feast.
I started taking belly dancing classes today, and may I say, I was quite awesome. It was so much fun, yet there was a goal, a right and a wrong, but not as in judgmentally. There's a goal, an objective: be as structuredly seductive as possible. That appeals to me. The teacher is 7 months pregnant, kooky and really funny. She has a great sense of humor and makes the enviroment so welcoming and happy that you can't help but shake what God gave you, but the way she recommends, of course. I'm taking the classes on Tuesdays and I'm also a part of the performance troupe, so I dance on Fridays too. Nice.
Addditionally, Scott and Gavin came over and got me drunk, so Ayse and I had to have an ole' fashion dance party. This year, we have a lot more room but nobody lives direcctly across from me, so we'll use it as more as a fun thing to do instead of a way to avoid seeing Julia get it on. Oh, people should learn to use their shades. But, if that'd never of happened, A & M dance parties wouldn't be the wonder and joy that they are today. AND, Brandi next door is probably going to start joining us. She wanted to, I could tell. Damn Civ classes and the time they take away from The Dance.
I also might of found a job today. I have an interview Thursday with the Career and Placement Services center, here on campus to be an "application assistant" but, since there are many jobs up for the taking, I might just end up getting the one I'm most suited for. Working for CAPS would be cool, because then when I need to be placed, I would know just the people to do it. True, it's not exaclty in my field, per say, but the people at Strive Tutoring haven't called me back, nor the people at Blue Gargoyle.
I'm restless, so I think I'll go and wander. Adam hasn't called, so I refuse to wait by the phone.