Inherently Ridiculous

Nuggets of Wisdom, Bowls of Preponderance. Ashing on Your Floor Since 2003.


Here We Go Again

My Room
Still Battling Back Badness
Post House Meeting
Jammin' with Phish
Pre-Bed Bowl
Trying Not to Be Nervous About The First Day of School
Sunday, September 26, 2004

Here We Go Again

So, I officially have 10 minutes of summer remaining. I've looked up where my classes are, I've made lists, I've pre-packed my backpack, set my alarm clock and shaved my legs. I'm ready to get this show, this year, this session of learning on the way. I've got the jitters. I've planned what I'm going to wear about 72 times, and I still have no idea. Why do I care so much? The first day of school has always held so much magic for me. Those first few moments when you walk into class, virgin notebooks in hand, new pens, fresh scrubbed and bright eyed (at least I am), right before the teacher starts the class. Right then before the grades, before you know your classmates, before impossibly amounts of reading, there is an endless stretch of possiblity. Maybe because I'm a big believe in transcendence, but that moment fills me with infinite hope. You never know what you'll learn.

Tommorow I being another journey.

And, I descend into the third layer of hell called, "Trying to Find a Job" so that I don't have to descend further to the "Calling Mom for Money" level. That place gives me nightmares.

I have more things to say, more to think literally about, but my back hurts and Green Goodness (my chair) is calling my name. Good-bye to the greatest summer yet; hello to my best academic endeavor yet?


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