Inherently Ridiculous

Nuggets of Wisdom, Bowls of Preponderance. Ashing on Your Floor Since 2003.


So This Is It

Anxiosly awaiting Austin City Limits
Watching West Wing
Hard Chair (I should buy her a cushion.)
Lauren's House
Ausin, Texas
5 Days till my upcoming departure
September 16, 2004
Ass Early, I had to take LP to class

So This is It

After it's been said and done, after I've journaled, painted, cried, screamed, partied, and forgotten all the pain Sean caused me, this is what's I've been left with.

More amazing friends then I ever thought possible, each with their own brillance that I love and respect them for. They have all taught me so many things that I'm deeply thankful for, and there are millions of other lessons that I'm still learning.

I know I've been telling them all this multiple time over the past weeks, but the coming fall makes me nostaligic. And as we all know, I compulsively pull meaning out of my life, and these past weeks have offered me ample fodder. And to be perfectly honest, that's what I planned this trip for. Plenty of time for reflection, while surrounded by my best friends, jamming out to great music, expanding my mind, all in the coolest city in the world.

Then I treck to the frozen North.

As the new school year approaches, I can't help but roll the B footage of my past year, and wince at several moments and ask myself, 'Why, God, Why?" Will I catalog them publically on the internet? Nope. Regardless of the down points, I think I came out all right in the end. Instead of rehashing my wasted winter, soaked in Old Style, let's move on the shiney brand-spanking new year I get to soon tarnish.

I fucked off a lot last year. And by that I mean, I didn't do the best I could. My priorities got stuck so far up Sean's ass, that sometimes, crying and fighthing took center stage, as opposed to my assundry academic endeavors. But this year, that is no more. I was talking to Stephanie the other day, and she reminded me of my college entrance essay. "How do you feel about Wednesday?" (How I love thee, U of C, you crazy school.)

Senior year, at good ole' Robert E. Lee, I took classes at the local junior college so I could get out of school at 1:00. And to maximize on my policy of taking the least amount of as possible, I took College Algebra on Wednesday nights with nurses, moms, late bloomers, Mrs. Albertson (high school teacher in Brownsborough), and one lady, Mary, who had a learning disabilities. She sat in front of me, I'm a dedicated people watcher, and so she has become a solid inspiration for me to try my hardest. I can still distinctly picture her face the day she got a B+ on her test. She had worked through hours and hours of remedial math, and here I was, shirking classes is everyway possible, playing calculator games during class, not caring. She was working for it; I take it for granted.

So, this years game plan? Not be so manic. Get a better job. Don't close off my creative aspects: guitar and painting supplies are coming with. And while we're at it, my new room decor won't hurt.

Speaking of room decor, as mentioned earlier, I'm staying with my bestest friend Lauren Perdue in Austin. Lauren has been such a blessing in my life, and I am constantly thankful for all the things she's taught me, and all the kick ass, rockstar, Live Out Loud times we've had. To this day, one of the funniest things I've ever seen was when she scared herself with her own hand in Mrs. McRae's last period AP World History class, junior year. I laughed so hard I fell out of my chair. We recently encounted the Grackle Mafia, discussed the list of Things I Could've Told You. (1. don't makeout with Jonathan York.) and bought white wine this time because fuchia puke is gross. She's taught me scrapbooking, blogging, enlightened me as to The Hudsons and John Mayer, and is kind enough to let me sleep on her couch. In return, I'm going to go let my OCD tendencies run wild.

So this is it: Amazing friendships, great music, upcoming throw downs, rockstar hair, a virgin year, and soon, with luck, a clutter free apartement to chill in.


At 10:52 AM, Blogger lauren said...

I miss Guido.


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