Inherently Ridiculous

Nuggets of Wisdom, Bowls of Preponderance. Ashing on Your Floor Since 2003.


Obsessing, Proper

Obsessing, Proper

(Let's pretend it's yesterday, shall we?)

My House

9:09 am
Tuesday, February 28, 2006

I woke up too anxious to function once I realized I have little to no idea what I'm doing this summer. And by summer, I mean with the rest of my life. So, instead of sleeping for another half hour (gasp! Sleep is like gold around here!) I decided to get out of bed and obsess properly. It went a little something like this.

What the hell am I doing this summer?
No Alii or Lauren. Sad.

Upscale waiting? Email Jesse.
Stupid Ovaries

She got a Boob job? No!

Jason P. is moving to Chicago in Sept! I win!

Did he really graduate from Lee four years ago?
Who the hell is going to live with me this summer?
Am i going to nanny?
For whom?
What am I going to wear?
I accidentally bought a maternity sweater: it will fool the sperm . . .
Pink elephants are sweet.

Why is there are error in joining 'wheresmysupersuit?"

10,000 Lakes is going to be the SHIT

Why can't Bryan just move to Chicago for the summer?

Why can't anyone, in fact. . . Lauren?

That would be sweet.

I don't want to read that novel in French. Boo.

The Perfect Show. The Perfect Show.

Breaking Neal's Knees.

I totally went to all my classes last week.
So that means I can skip a lot this week, right?

Oh man, skipping class in high school was hilarious.

Oklahoma City: me, Adam, his family. In a month. Heavy.

So much love, I'm such a luck girl.

I'd rather be a lucky man the a good man.

What is it that's so decadently comfortable about wearing only a shirt and undies?
I wonder what University publication I'm getting interviewed for today?
Stupid Ovaries
I haven't done work since last Thursday.

I should do some work. My head doesn't hurt anymore!! I win!
Man, migraines are lamelameLAME

Oh with the work I have to do now.

What if I had become a famous ballerina?

That would probably suck.
Texas in 14 days. OMG!
This is going to be ridiculous.

Alii says it's like meeting characters from a book.
She doesn't think my friends really exist.

Oh they exist all right.
Well, as much as any of us exist.
Gauging out my ears is fun! Plugs here I come.
Maybe I want to start my dreads now . . .

Peace Corp dinner tonight. . .
That'll help?
Grad School? Peace Corp? Grad School? Peace Corp?
Year off?

California? Austin? California? Austin?

Metaphysics is so cool

Voltaire! Voltaire! Voltaire!
Maybe Wallace can help me find a kick ass summer job.

Oh man.
That would be super duper.

Do some work, bitch. Seriously.
This is pretty goddamn ridiculous.


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