Inherently Ridiculous

Nuggets of Wisdom, Bowls of Preponderance. Ashing on Your Floor Since 2003.


"For Days When Life is More Than a Notion"

My House
2:12 pm
I don't feel like working. . .
Saturday, Feb. 24, 2005

"For Days When Life is More than a Notion"

So, it's Saturday and I usually spend these doing work: reading, researching, writing, thinking. And it's generally pretty sweet when you consider that I'm a giant dork. Oh no! I have to sit around and read Leibniz/Foucault/Heidegger all day! Oh, what a tragedy! (Except last Saturday: it was cold beyond all reason and they didn't turn on our heat. Boo.)

But today? Not today. No, I think I'll do other things instead. At least before I even begin to think about the vastness of things I need to learn between now and Monday.

Why? I wasn't doing so well yesterday. I started losing large chunks of time Thursday night, closely followed by not wanting to be around people. Then, I hallucinated the FUCK in mmy grade class, managing to come out of a three hour class with a page of notes. Me not taking notes every second? No continuously reassuring whisp of the pen and jingle of my bracelets? (I'm that kid that's noisy in class, all the time. Sorry about that.) Yea. It was pretty horrid. After standing in front of the Divinity school for about 2o mintues after class, not able unlock my bike because I was so entangled in compulsive, incoherent thought loops, I finally made it home. Not sleeping for several days may or may not have something to do with this suck that was my life for while. My brain was trying to climb out of my skull: LoudloUDloudLOUD.

So, I had to cancel my appointment with Wallace. Now, that's a difficult, silly, obnoixious, soul-tearing email to have to write to someone. I got the most lovely response.

"I will miss ending my week in the glow of your presence. Your energy seems to infect me. I remember riding to Gary in the car sitting next to you and marvelled at how up I felt when we arrived. I attributed that energy directly to you. Sooooo for the energy you have thus far provided... thanks a million. For the days when life is more than a notion, I hope I will become a source of energy for you. Meetings with me should not add to your stress. Have a Wallace kind of weekend."

I love my boss. And I love my life. Ridiculous Head and all, it's pretty bitchin'. So, instead of doing work, I will regale the internet with some gems of knowledge I figured out during the week, because of the week, inspite of the day.

My new calling in life: become a children's pop star. I mean obviously, right? I could be the next Deedee Doodlebop. I watch this show EVERY TIME I BABYSIT. "No Caroline, we can't watch Diego. I'm watching my favorite show." Then, since I know all the words and the dance moves, she soon becomes convinced that a) The Doodlebops are the new light of her life, and b) I may be the coolest or strangest person ever. She hasn't quite decided. Don't get me wrong though: I heart Diego. EXCEPT! HE HAS NO NIPPLES!! There was an episode about blue whales and, woah. It was a lot to take at 8:00 am.

My mom called me the other day to ask for help with music. Specifically, she has bought a new computer, and wanted to know how to organize music. Woot. If there's ever a reason for my mom to call and ask for help, then this is it. It was so fun to tell her to download iTunes immediately: don't even open windows media player. Ever.

POI!! POI!! POI!! I'm an addict. I'm in fact, joining the circus next quarter to learn more. I'm soo cool.

I'm going to learn German this summer at the Goethe Institute. If Lauren isn't biking across America, she's going to learn it with me. I realized that not only does everyone I know speak German, but there's a lot of philosophy that I should read in German. I would say that more than other philosohpers, Germans use their langauge. Exploit it, one could say. And I want it on that.

When Alii moves out after school's over, LAUREN'S MOVING IN. Woot! I'll miss my Alii, but at least I'll live with the world's greatest punkin. I mean, gourd.

Heidegger is really cool. For example:
The nothing is complete negation of the totality of being.
Does not this characterization of teh nothing ultimately provide an indication of the direction from which alone the nothing can come to meet us?
The totalities of beings must be given in advance so as to be able to fall prey straightway to negation -- in which the nothing itself would be be manifest

Road Trip to Texas soon soon soon. Two and half weeks. Suggestions?

I had many more tasty tidbits of thoughts this weekend. More to come.


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