Inherently Ridiculous

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Dreams and Headaches

My House
Monday, February 27, 2006
6:32 pm

Dreams and Headaches

I had a dream that I had a child. A beautiful, intelligent, amazing little girl. I was older, but still the same me, only with a little one as well. The rest of the dream was pretty uninspiring -- I bought a rug and was rude to my aunt Lori.
But the baby! I've been thinking a lot about children lately. I want one, but not today. This child had an amazing father as well. Honest, smart as hell, devoted. And no, it was not the Tall Blonde Biochemist. There is in fact one other person on this planet that can quiet my mind with their mere presence.

Now, this dream was moderately infuriating. Yea subconcious? I want to have a kid? With him? For real? I had no idea.

At one point in the dream, I found a check my mother had given me, like so many checks for monthly expenses. Instead of just the month in the 'memo' space it said:
February: Motherhood

Instantly, two things that she said to me last visit played in my head.
"A child's personality solidifies before they're 6, for the most part. You're still the exact same, that's for sure. And you turned out so wonderful because of where your father and I were at that point in our lives. The love, joy, and interesting things for you to do all the time, plus two parents that love the crap out you. Because we were so in love, you were so happy."

As I was telling her about wanting kids one day, "You should work on finding a boyfriend first. You don't to well with that whole dating-people-who-actually-live-near-by thing. Have you noticed that? Are you incapable of forming real relationships? Let's work on that before we start making babies."

Sure, those were filtered through my less-than-perfect moment, but you get the idea. Sigh.

Oh, and it turns out I have migraines. I had a four-day headache, complete with nausea and lots of other lameness. So, they gave me this medicine that you're supposed to take before the thing starts: abortive medication.

The thing with migraines is you get what's called an aura before it hits you. It's basically the same thing that happens to epileptics. This aura can range from weird light patterns, or sensitivity to sound. Or it can be "a general feeling that something is wrong."

So, wait. If I have a general feeling that something is wrong, I'm supposed to take a pill? Yea. Right.


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