Inherently Ridiculous

Nuggets of Wisdom, Bowls of Preponderance. Ashing on Your Floor Since 2003.


Where's My Money?

U of C Center
October 10, 2005

Where's My Money?

Okay, so before I left the States, I went to the Financial Aid Office and checked to see what kind of refund check I was going to get. We did some math and it seemed like I was going to get $10,000. I was like, Sweet!

She totally lied to me. In fact, I owe the University $2,000.

So now I'm trying to do exactly what I hoped wouldn't happen: secure a loan from across the pond. Goddamn. I don't care that I have to get a loan: I'd already accustomed myself to that fact, it's just annoying. If I had known, I would have taken care of it before I left.

I heart Buraucracy, but shit son, this is ridiculous. I mean, this is that chicks job. How many other people has she misinformed? She wasn't just a little off, she WAY OFF. Damn. This is annoying. I wonder if this is going to get her karmetically. Ahh this is annoying

So, now I'm doing loan shit online, and Citibank is being a bit stupid. It says I've been approved, but won't tell me what to do next to get my money. I signed it electronically, etc, etc. GIVE ME MY MONEY CITIBANK OR I WILL KILL.

Paris is expensive, and I'm so broke.
Dude, where's my money?

Oh, and just a side note: I totally bedded a really hot French dude. Yea, I win life. Here's to my first one-night stand?


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