Inherently Ridiculous

Nuggets of Wisdom, Bowls of Preponderance. Ashing on Your Floor Since 2003.


I Itch All Over

My Room
Smoking a Cig
Not Reading
About to go to Bed
0:37 ( I sware to you -- I will learn 24 h time)
Wednesday, October 5, 2005

I Itch All Over

I've developed a pretty horrible rash. Itchy welts on my upper thighs, spreading to my abdomn. I went to the pharmacy (where they can prescribe you meds here) and got some drugs today, so all I have to do is wait.


I'm talking huge welts all over my thighs. Huge itchy welts that are making nasty, white-head looking things. 'Tis pretty gross, I won't lie.

Now that that's out of the way I can tell you about how I'm doing.

** insert 5 minute break while I smoke a cig, instead of letting it burn

I emailed my physciatrist today to report on my head. It's not good.

I've lost my ability to be truly happy.
I'm not compulsive in the way I like to be.
It's a problem
I want to stay in bed all day, not meet people, not go out and explore Paris.

What the hell is wrong with me? Oh, wait, I know.

I'm going to see someone on Friday, so there is hope.

More tomorrow. I'm a bit drunk, and sleepy, and I have to be somewhere for a tour at 9h15 tomorrow, while being responsible for waking several people up tomorrow.

I can't even begin to digest all that's happened either in actuality or in my head. I'll give it my best shot a demain. Je promette.

Here's some random quotes I found in a file appropriatly titled, "I'd Drunk." I found it entertaining, so I put it here for you enjoyment. If I remember correctly, this is from this summer when Lauren was getting fucked around by a douche bag.

“I’m drunk. Damn, I have to go the library.” Me
“I have to go to work still.” Alii
“I have to go eat a lot of meat.” Lauren Frosty

“I mean, it’s the perfect time for Krazy Bitches Coming Out of the Woodwork Day.” Me
“It’s Krazy Bitch breeding season.” Alii
“Which is why she calls you at shit o’clock saying she’s fucking your boyfriend, which is obviously false.” Katherine

Ridiculous Shit:

Good ideas:

lighting a fire in a raminkin, to set a pencil on fire, so that you can light the highlighter pipe to . . .wait for it, wait for it . . . smoke some resin.

Before that fantastic idea, it was also the best plan ever to attempt to light the bowl with inscense. Don’t act like you haven’t thought about it. Just so you know: it doesn’t work.

Taking two lunch breaks, as to have a liquid lunch, for four hours. Then go to the library to do research. Yea right.

Randoming sleeping with people, then hoping. Forgetting how I don’t do casual sex.

“Even the gnomes are lonely.”
“But you and the gnomes have each other at least.” Alii
“Great. That’s comforting: if all else fails, I’ll could just be crazy with myself.” Me


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