Inherently Ridiculous

Nuggets of Wisdom, Bowls of Preponderance. Ashing on Your Floor Since 2003.


Hello Good Bye

Ayse's House
About to go to a Hippie Commune
11:48 am
Sunday, August 18, 2005

Hello Good Bye

My epic journey has begun. After my amazing transcendental experience Tuesday, then a party on Friday, I am on my way.

I drove to Evansville last night, and am currently at Ayse's. Damn, I love her. Yes, she's got issues, but don't we all? Never have I met someone with such a big heart, so much fire, determination.

I feel we understand each other in a way that goes beyond words and deeds. Sometimes she punches walls, when I throw myself into them. But in the end, we'll cry, rub each others back with flat palms, and fix ourselves drinks as a reward for facing one more day. Having someone else who understands the sheer difficulty in everday activities sometimes, and who doesn't require an explaination -- that's a blessing.

I told her about Alii and I's plan to retreat into the woods once a year to go off our meds and drink a lot. She's totally there.

I arrive in Texas tomorrow, so let the good times begin. Looks like I'm going to College Station next weekend, with Austin and Waco thrown in there somewhere. Woot!

I'm going to continue posting here, mostly about what's happening in my head. But for up-to-the-minute info about my exploits in Paris check out . . . And Then I Found Five Euros.


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