Inherently Ridiculous

Nuggets of Wisdom, Bowls of Preponderance. Ashing on Your Floor Since 2003.


The Blue Pills Look Familiar

At the Office
Full of Pasta Salad
Damn My Feet Hurt
3:11 pm
Thursday, August 25, 2005

The Blue Pills Look Familiar

Today was the ever dreaded, always need Psychiatric Evaluation. I meet with the world's most sterotypical mental health doctor ever: small boned, well dressed in muted tones, nice shoes, trendy glasses, calming voice, direct answers. And, I guess that works for him because I was more honest then I've ever been.

For the first part of the session, he repeatedly said things like, "Tell me about your 'manic' episodes. I'm going to shy away from diagnosing that right off." "So, these 'panic attacks' are different from the 'manic episdoes how exactly?"

An hour later, he's telling me about Bi-Polar disorder, putting me one meds again and telling me to get used to the idea that I may have to medicate myself for the rest of my life. I guess I'm a pretty convincing crazy lady.

So, he says he'll give me a sample pack of the same meds I used to take, and says, "I don't think I'll put you on lithium. At least not yet." So, while he goes to retrieve these pharmacutical wonders, I wait in the waiting room. Then in struts Dr. Barrier, brandishing this medication. He comes over, and explains how to take them, because obviously I'm illiterate, and says, "Stop when you get to the Blue Pills. Those look familiar don't they?" Smile. Shake my hand. Leave. Meanwhile, I'm being eyed by the others in the waiting room.

I burst forth from the SCRC and almost scream. But I didn't because they put you on lithium for things like that.


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