Inherently Ridiculous

Nuggets of Wisdom, Bowls of Preponderance. Ashing on Your Floor Since 2003.


Alive and Well

The Smoking room
Drinking Wine
Chillaxing. heheh
12:46 am
Saturday, August 20, 2005

Alive and Well

I don't have the strength, will or desire to go into all the things that I've done this past week. Let it surmise to say it was fantastic. I'll say more later.

To sum the recent: my car got broken into last night while I was seeing the DMB cover band (which was SOO fun. Damn, we were SOO cool.)but all they stole was my cell phone.

Which is pain in the ass. Mom's here, and I'm dealing with it tomorrow. Anywho. Yea.

I've realized several things. I've managed to meet some fantastic people this week. I totally win. I'm so happy to be having fun with different groups of people. Don't get me wrong: I love my other friends, but these friend rock.

Not having a cell phone makes me a lot more a victim to the whims of the universe. So, be assured that yes, I'm okay, but I can't really confirm that. All is well.

It's absurd how addicted to cell phones this universe has become. What did we do before we were able to call each other every 10 seconds to ask what's taking you so long to _______. I don't know any phone numbers. I think I'll survive.

Generally I get on here with a purpose, plan, or at least general idea where I'm going. Now, none. I have much to say, but I'm to chill to say it now.

I wish you all the best of weekends. Be safe, don't die.


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