Inherently Ridiculous

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Good Things Ahead

My Room
About to go to Work
Looking Forward to a Good Weekend
Sad about Abions untimely Death
1:42 pm
Friday, February 4, 2005

Good Things Ahead

Albion died today. It was rather sad. Poor thing just swam down to the corner and passed away. He will always be remembered fondly.

On a happier note this weekend should rock, now that I'm through this week. It hasn't been extra tough, but I'm looking forward to three days for rest and relaxation. It's hard to catch your breath here sometimes. Plus, I get to have a little extra fun: 24 hour playz and still time to get work accomplished.

I would like the record to show that I am officially caught up, verging on getting ahead in Educational Organizations and Social Inequalites class.

Yesterday, Ayse to me, "Oh, you guys are reading about schools and education?" Yea, she obviously hasn't been around.

Tonight is Vegan Potluck with TC and Brigid, and tomorrow the shows. I'm wondering if I'm going to be cast in the musical, and if so, how that's going to work out. I'm trying to talk Matt into going ice skating with me on Sunday, but he is reluctant. I mean, he of course can't do anything with anyone else that doesn't involve Emmie, but whatever.

Good weekend ahead.

I dropped my study abroad application off today. Yesterday, in Lecture session, I realized the extent of what I'm trying to do. Move overseas for three months. Wow. That would be amazing. Me Paris Me Paris Me Paris.

Here's to hoping, here to good times ahead.


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