Inherently Ridiculous

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Money Woes

My Room
Getting Thing Accomplished before I rush off. .
Pretty Freaken' Stressed
"As I land to reform, limb by limb"
Take a look at what time it is. . .
4:20 pm
Tuesday, Febraury 1, 2005

Money Woes

It is my life policy to not worry about money, to do the best I can, live within my means, while understanding and trusting the universe. There is enough of everything to go around, and I know that.


I just got paid yesterday, and it didn't hardly make a dent in all the bills I've got going on. The money Dad's supposed to send didn't get here last month, and lord knows if it'll get here at all.

Things I need money for:
Mounting Cell Phone Bill
Spring Break Plane Ticket
Spring Break
FOOD -- I haven't been grocery shopping in about two weeks

When you look at it in that sense, it's doesn't seem that bad, but with my checkbook in front of me, I see dire straights. I think i'm going to have to ask my grandparents to help me out with Spring Break. I feel a little bad about that, but in a way not. Let me be self-righteous for a moment: I deserve a vacation. I toil away in the frozen north, busting my academic butt, and I want to go kick back in Oregon for 10 days. Is that unreasonable? I don't think it is.

Mom called today to talk about financial aid, and to tell me that she'll be in Flordia for the next two weeks. I almost asked her for some personal financial aid, but that's not a conversation I really want to have. I mean, she's obviously hurting financially, what with all the works he's missing to go to Flordia for two week. Geez. I wish she'd pay my cell phone bill, but who I am to ask her for financial help -- I mean, I besides her only child. I know that she does help me with food money, and tuition, but I feel sometimes that Dad and I are busting our asses to make ends meet, and she's . . . Well, she's going to Flordia isn't she. I know that she doesn't pay for all the trips, or the house, or the bills, so it's not in her control. But I ask myself, if she's not paying for any of that, what is she paying for and why is it such a big deal to send me an extra $50 everyonce in a while? She says I'm ungrateful, but when things aren't feely given, with an open heart, I don't feel grateful to the extent at which I otherwise would. I'm grateful for Jaynie, Gradma and Grandpa and Dad who have all committed themselves to helping me, us make this whole college thing what I focus on instead of money issues. She's , well again, she's going to Flordia. We almost on speaking terms again, and I wouldn't have even considered asking otherwise, but this is an issue that goes way back.

I sent a little money to the cell phone people (so not enough) and Jay said I can use the credit card again, so I'll be able to buy food. As for the others, I'll have to worry about that later. Plus, I also owe Ayse $25 for the Planned Parenthood benefit. Oh, and God Bless Bryan -- he said that if it comes down to it, he'll buy my ticket and I can pay him on a payment plan. Beautiful. Praise Jesus for team work. (Hehe that was a unusual amount of Lord Banter there for me. Oh, how I have my tongue in my check!)

At least Chicago Public Schools are open all this week, so I'll be able to actually work 15 hours a week. No worries right? I am a life warrior, and I'll get through this. I need to talk to Dad.

On a happier note, I'm doing 24-hour plays this weekend. It's going to be amazing. What are these so-called "24-Hour Plays" you might be asking yourself. Well, a bunch of theatre freaks will convene on Friday, and within 24 hours, write, produce, stage, light, costume and eventually perform 4 - 6 short plays. It's going to be amazing, if amazing = crazy. I need creative drama in my life, and since University Theatre is a giant clique, this seems the way to go. Plus the guy who's organizing it has the last name of Belle-Isle. How could I not go? I think a strung-out, manic weekend of theatre will be good for me in oh so many ways.

On that note, I'm going to OCD my room, and scamper to Cobb for the meeting.

Oh, and if you have any extra money hanging around, feel free to send it my way.


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