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I Totally Touched Barack Obama!

My Room
Almost Time for French
9:53 am
Friday, January 28, 2005

I Totally Touched Barack Obama!

Ayse and I went to the 32nd Anniversary party for Roe vs. Wade thrown by Planned Parenthood, Chicago Area, last night. It was at the Ritz Carlton, and I totally touched Barack Obama.

I feel so blessed to have occasion to experience things that reaffirm my committment to what I want to do with my life. There were over 900 people there last night, 900 people all committed to their believes: to be in the sane minority that says a woman's body is her own choice. Because who's else should it be? Republican's in Congress who'll send American soliders to die in a war that has no foreseeable end? Since time enternal, men have treated women as the inferior sex, as incapable of making decisions for themeselves. While we hear about the truncated rights of women across the world as the US attempts to impose democracy all around, but what about the rights of women here? While we may be some of the most priviliged women in the world in terms of human rights, saying that someone other then individual women, and the people that love them have any place to make the agonizing decision to carry or abort a pregnancy harks straight back to the male yoke of oppression that rules in so many places across the globe.

With Bush newly elected, a newly promoted Cheif Justice, and several soon to retire justices, the balance of Roe vs. Wade may soon end. There are already four states where it is legal for pharmacies to not fill a women's prescription for contraceptives. The nations largest pharmacy chain, Walmart, refuses to carry the morning-after pill. There are those in Congress that want to make parental consent mandatory in the case of underage abortion. Don't they understand that in all too many cases, it's those same parents who have caused the abortion to be necessary in the first place?

They call pro-choice women whores. They call us sluts. They call us ignorant, fanatics, radicals.

Last night, I was reminded of what we truely are: a sane minority with a lot of work ahead of us if we are to assure the reproductive rights of women everywhere. And I'm committed to the cause.

Sorry to get on my soap box. I'll fill in the other details later, but now I have French to go to.
But to quickly sum:
I totally touched Barack Obama.


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