Inherently Ridiculous

Nuggets of Wisdom, Bowls of Preponderance. Ashing on Your Floor Since 2003.


The End Has Come

My Room
Drinking green tea
About to Read some Weber
Back In School! Hooray!
8:04 pm
Tuesday, January 4, 2005

The End Has Come

So, I broke up with Kenneth last night. There is a time for things to begin, and there's a time for them to end. Our had come. It actually went remarkably well. In fact, we ended up chit chatting and hanging out for a while, and there's no weirdness. It's not that I don't care about him, or enjoy his company, I just don't want to have sex with him. He's a great friend and I'm really happy that we can continue our now platonic friendship.

I had a ridiculous New Years, and now I'm back in school. And it's fucking fabulous.

I'm retaking my French 202 that I had to drop last quarter. My teacher, Aude, is such a conscientious teacher: she replied to the email I sent her and the French department telling them of my illness and ensuing class discontinuation today. She thinks it'll be a good idea for us to set up a time and meet once a week. It can't hurt anything, and I'm flattered that she's willing to take that time. I don't necessarily think I need extra help -- in fact, I was pretty on the ball before the Evil Mystery Virus of Doom, but it'll be good practice.

I'm also in ASL 102, which is about the same. I enjoy that class, but I don't think I'll take the 200 level next year.

I'm taking Astrophysics too. Don't freak out: the nickname for this class around here is Flying Rocks for Jocks. The prof seems really cool. It's amazing I made it to class at all though. We decided that drinking needed to occur last night, so of course, I didn't go to sleep until 3;45. I magically awoke at 9, which is awesome, because my physics lecture is at 9. I woke up, drank some emergen-C, (Vitamin drink mix of the gods) put on my coat and left. Luckily I had slept in my clothes, so that saved time. I was only a little late. I'm sitting there, paying attention, next to a rather cute guy when I realized that I had forgotten to put a bra on. It was an entertaining revelation. Anywho, the prof is cool. He used a globe to show us stuff, and it was neat.

I'm also in a graduate level class -- Educational Organization and Social Inequality. It's cool. I have got a veritable shitload of reading, but the class seems to be awesome. I'm ready to bask the knowledge of others.

Anywho, Kenneth's going to help my buy a digital camera, so I've got to run. See? All's well that ends well.


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