Inherently Ridiculous

Nuggets of Wisdom, Bowls of Preponderance. Ashing on Your Floor Since 2003.


What Goes Up, Must Come Down

My Room
NOT studying for Neuroscience
Weird Mood
10:26 pm
Monday, December 6, 2004
4 days till Tejas!

What Goes Up, Must Come Down

So, I've been a little manic lately. Hence, the four-day weekend of whiskey and making out with large groups of lesbians. (We don't speak of such things, so don't ask.) That's all fine and good. Great fun was had by all, and it didn't interfere with studying or such.

But now I'm coming down. I can physically feel the depressive stage sinking in, and the mental aspects are catching up.

Boo for:
Neuroscience exams
Irritated digestive systems
Friends who assume to know all about you, and then proceed to be WAY off base
For times when one obscure comment can ruin my whole day
Achy back, trick knees, and headaches, headaches, headaches
Fighting the overwhelming urge to wrap myself in the snoozing quilt and crawl under my desk, and cry, in the dark.

Hooray for:
Friends who actually do know me all the way and are willing to help via the phone
Harry Potter III
Back medication
Giordano’s pizza
Cut free haircuts by an amazing lady
Candles that actually make my room smell nice
Going home in four days

I'm not going to worry about:
Seeing Sean
Being a financial burden
My own lack of funds
Failing neuroscience (I studied! I'm smart! I studied! I'm smart!)
Albert and Albion surviving the break at Katie's
Being called anorexic -- which I'm not
Any manner of other things that won't help my mental condition

Here's to staving off mental catastrophes. I am a warrior.


At 3:54 PM, Blogger lauren said...

I GOT MY POSTAL LOVE TODAY! you are amazing.


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