Inherently Ridiculous

Nuggets of Wisdom, Bowls of Preponderance. Ashing on Your Floor Since 2003.


I Wrote This Once

Should be writing my ASL Paper
Smoking with Alii
Reading Period, I heart Reading Period
3:51 pm
Thursday, December 2, 2004

I wrote this down once. When, I don't know. Sometime either right before I came here or shortly after my arrival. I just wrote two, articulate, well spoken, true statements, honed, seeking existence. So I wrote them down, got them out, between faint blue lines of a list notebook that morphed into the ASL notebook, that shape shifted yet again to that notebook that rides around in my back pack for no reason, yet should be there. It contains old lists: kitchen supplies, how to make jam, ideas for painting jotted before they can escape, Eric, Adam's, Bryan and I's top 8 "Monty Python and the Holy Grail" moments, random scraps of bookeeping. This is home of my mental escapee, still true.

"For once, the chaos has subsided, yet I miss its overwhelming presence. The frenetic can be soothing it its consistency."

The mental clutter is getting a little out of hand at the moment, but I appreciate the last part profoundly. I'm ready for a break, a mental vacation. The sweet compassionate promise of Winter Break is hidden by the monstrosterous mass of mental regurgitude. Meh.

I think I'll have a dance party.


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