Inherently Ridiculous

Nuggets of Wisdom, Bowls of Preponderance. Ashing on Your Floor Since 2003.


Right On Man

"I value words. I am curious about the way words sound, how they draw pictures and provoke unexpected emotional reactions. A single disconnected word or phrase can stop you cold, give you a new world to live in. I like reading unathorized excerpts of the minutes of private meetings. I like reading photo album captions, want ads, my son's homework, Chinese AIDS-prevention pamphlets, lanudry lists, foreign phone books, obituaries, awkward subtitles, road maps, lost-pet fliers fading on streetlight poles, old and forgettable books, instruction manuals I do not need but have found torn out of publications or removed from the packaging of the obsolete product concerned -- useless information that I imagine having discovered or saved from extinction. I enjoy reading how people wrote in another time about what I do not understand." Viggo Mortensen Introduction to "The Best American Nonrequired Reading"

Right on man.


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