Inherently Ridiculous

Nuggets of Wisdom, Bowls of Preponderance. Ashing on Your Floor Since 2003.


Stupid Zales Commercials

My Room, of course
Watching West Wing
About to meet Steph at the Dog
Thinking about Christmas
11:51 am
December 23, 2004

Stupid Zales Commercials

So, I’m sitting here, putting on the needed precautions for leaving the house in Tyler, when a Zales commercial. In this ridiculous piece of advertising, a woman is given a beautiful tennis bracelet, marketed at a mere $499, basketed in a snowball, followed by this cute couple cuddling in the snow.
My first reaction was, damn, that bracelet’s really beautiful, but does she really have the life style that’s going to allow her to wear that bracelet more then once or twice a year?
I realized that, at that specific moment, what I wanted, was not the loving relationship presented therein, but I wanted that in the context of a lifestyle that would allow me to wear all that nice jewlry on a regular basis. I mean, because if you watch TV at all, the only thing to get the women you love is, of course, jewelry.

So, good times here. I’m meeting Step pretty soon. Step, for those of you who don’t know, is one of my dearest friends. She was a bartender at the Dog when I first started working there, age 15, and she let me barback for her. Not only did I learn to bartend, but she never treated me like I was so comparatively young. We’ve been friends ever since. We go camping together, hang out, and hold girly sleep overs where we sit in the Jacuzzi, drink wine, and attempt to resolve all our life issues.
Steph’s 24, and the man she’s engaged in is 52, and I’m supposed to be a bridesmaid in their wedding. Don’t get me wrong, I love Dan. I think he’s great. He’s got his life mostly figured out, or at least has a solid handle on it most of the time. He’s a pilot, owns his own house, and adores Steph.
But, as my Dad tells me, there might not be wedding bells in the future. So, of course, Steph and I are meeting and we’ll talk, solve all our problems, fix the universe and everything.
I’m in a strange state. Have been since Monday, and my bi-partisan clash, and I thinking talking to Steph will be a dose of well needed medecin.

I know that part of what’s wrong is I’m feeling the stress of Christmas.
I feel bad about the lack of gifts I have to give.
Yet, I don’t really feel like painting.
I have no “spirit” of Christmas, what ever the hell that means.
Oh, and I have all this drainage and wet, sticky cough.

Honestly, I have so much painting to do. I think that this strange, pseudo-religious pressure I feel to buy buy buy give give give is interfering with my creative abilities.

And, I’m feeling mildly apathetic about my birthday too, which is inifinitely stranger. I’m usually a freak when it comes to brithday’s, at least other people’s, but I’m not feeling the urge to cause a raucous over my own. Maybe that’s just it: I personally don’t have it in me to do it myself. I need a friend like me, I guess.
Damn, I need to remember: never watch stupid wedding/love related crap on TLC. I’m watching a show called “Perfect Proposals;” I’ll let you fill on the blanks. I guess in theory, it’s a sweet thing. This guys care enough about how they propose to not only plan and stress, but to get the aid of a mega corportation to perform this giant spectacle that will not only go down in memory, but will be shared with millions of Americans. I’m not sure what that says about love, but I bet it says something nice.
I wonder what the stastics are on divorce amongst people who are on marriage related TLC shows. That would be interesting to know.
Lord God almighty – I simply can’t stand one more minute of mind-numbing love-engorged television.
So, I’m off to capture a salad at the Dog.


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