Inherently Ridiculous

Nuggets of Wisdom, Bowls of Preponderance. Ashing on Your Floor Since 2003.


This is One Giant Suckfest

One Giant Ball of Sickness
In the Same PJ's I've Been Wearing for Two Days
Head Pounding
Boo Boo Sickness
To Sick to Do Work = My Ass is Behind
11:53 am
Monday, October 25, 2004

This is One Giant Suckfest

I thought my immune system was, for once, on the ball. Four weeks here and I hadn't caught the nastiness that's been circulating amongst the first years. Oh, I spoke too soon. Friday -- I feel fine, tonsils normal sized. Saturday -- I feel fine. Sunday -- Oh my God, my tonsils are the size of guppies! Ouch Ouch Ouch. Oh, and I've been running a fever. Of course, not like normal people, but since my baseline temperature is lower the 98.7 all the time, actually getting up to normal is a fever for me. C'est la vie.

Obviously, I'm not in class now. Technically, I could have physically made it into class today, but by this evening, I would have been 82X sicker then I am now. Not a pleasant thought. I'm drinking OJ by the half-gallon, and sleeping this day away.

Let's put in another way. I'm so sick that going for a car ride with Kenneth yesterday wore me out. Hardcore. I even turned down the chance to stroll on Navy Pier, and we all know that I can be quite retarded when it comes to NP. Yes, sadly, that's how sick I am. However, let's also keep in mind that I'm a big giant baby when it comes to physical ailments. Miraculously, of all the people that should be sick, Kenneth seems to have escaped unscathed. Oh people with functioning immune systems, how I envy you.

Nonetheless, this is one giant suckfest.

Luckily, some people have helped me out. Andrew's turning in my French homework for me, and Will made me laugh. I'm sure that Ayse'll heat me up some soup if I whine enough. Maybe someone will come keep my sick ass company -- I mean, the sick-chick look is soo hot, right?

I just wish someone would take care of me. I hardly ever actually want to spend time with my mom, but right now, I wish she were here. She would make me feel better. At least she would make me feel physically better, at the loss of my hard fought mental stability. At this point, I'd take it.

Time to drink more Robo (which, yes, I got from Andy), chug some OJ, and go back to bed. If I move too much I get lightheaded. To reiterate -- This is One Giant Suckfest.


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