Inherently Ridiculous

Nuggets of Wisdom, Bowls of Preponderance. Ashing on Your Floor Since 2003.


Oh With the Goodness

My Room
Still Drinking Ayse's Jack
Happy Happy Happy
Attempting to do Work (Attempting being the Operative World)
Yeah, Right.
Thursday, October 21, 2004
10:40 pm

Oh, With the Goodness.
Ayse's Hearts B.
I heart Young Hotness.
Matt Smetts, "You really should rock that first years world."
Nevertheless, it turns out that mines getting a good rocking of its own.

For once, I am not going to over analyze, deconstruct, and attempt to find underlying meaning to this one.

Bryan: " You know Mia, don’t get me wrong I have always known you to be a very interesting, mysterious, complex person, but since reading your postings I don’t think I have ever met anyone as contemplative and expressive as you."

Not this time. Not yet, not now. Just with the goodness. Oh, with the Goodness.

Otherwise, life goes great. Belly dancing is amazing -- I'm repiercing my belly button sometime this week, and *gasp* possibly developing abs. Like, real abs, as in there is the shadows of a six-pack somewhere under the fluff. I don't want to get to specific, because I'm afraid I'll scare my abs back into hiding, but the potential is there.

I'm going to expand my photo genre to erotic pictures sometimes next week. Alii is on a website called Suicide Girls, (think tasteful porn meets live journal) and I'm going to be her resident photographer. Oh, and I'm going to take pictures of Ayse's gauntness, just because I think it'll make good black and whites. So, tomorrow Kenneth and I are going to go on an inaugural car ride (his mom's bringing his car) and I'm going to learn to use Will's amazing digital camera.

Speaking of Will, happy birthday sweetheart. He's teaching me to play pool, and I don't suck as bad as I used to, that's for sure. We've decided to try to play every day, or close to it, in hopes of making me into a Hottie McHottness Pool Shark. I made him promise not to be all mean and manly about teaching me. Will's a man of his word.

I've miraculously regained my ability to speak French, which is such a comfort. I've taken to not only muttering to myself in French, but also accompanying my daily life with various ASL signs. I've taught myself how to say, "Silly Hoe," "Stupid Whore," "Your Mom" and "It Happens." I won't lie: I'm probably verging on obnoxious.

Work's going so good that AmAZing (think U of C accent) doesn't even come close. I can feel myself becoming the glue that holds that place together. I went in this morning, all by myself, to call reference (which is ridiculously strange experience that really should constitute it's own entry.) and it felt so right. I had the keys, I turned off the security system, and I did my thing. My boss (Jerry) called after afternoon work to make sure I was coming early tomorrow. After he hung up, about two minutes later the phone rings again. Jerry just wanted to tell me that both he and Paula were so very happy they hired me. I glowed for about two hours.

Young Hottness keeps strange hours, and consequently, so do I. Lack of sleep is making me loopy, so I'm determined to get to bed before 2 tonight. Did I mention that I've been writing this instead of my French paper? (In my own defense, I was catching up with Bryan too. I heart Bryan.) Time to put my proverbial nose to grind, in hope of rubbing noses in reality later.

My life is goodness. I am goodness. This, me, it ca, cet, c'est bien. Inner peace is hard to come by in a mind wracked with chemical instability, yet for some reason, I tend to do okay. Moreover, sometimes, I do even better that that. I'm good.

Oh, with the Goodness. Thank you life, thank you me. This, this I can do.


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