Inherently Ridiculous

Nuggets of Wisdom, Bowls of Preponderance. Ashing on Your Floor Since 2003.



Wishing for Love via Frank Sinatra
Buried under Sociological Theory Readings
Wondering Where the Hell the Weekend Went
12:18 am
Monday, October 11, 2003


This weekend just flew by! I basically lost Friday a la muscle relaxors and bed-rest. It was nice, and most importantly, it helped my back. My mom was right -- i just needed to let everything calm down, which lets the inflamation go down, which stops the disc from pressing on the nerve. Good call Dr. Blackman/Mom.

I went out and got completely tanked last night. Ohh so trashed. It was good times though and I felt completely justified; it was my welcome back to the real world party. It seems to have gone around -- Everyone got ridiculously wasted last night. There were many a hagared, hung over, work-bound individual at Maclean today.

Oh, Matt and I went and bought a fish Saturday afternoon! May I introduce Sir Leopold Schwiggins, esq. I'm so easily amused. I've already wasted an absurd amount of time just watching him. I wonder what fishy thoughts are like. I like to think that Sir Schwiggins has a deep intellect and spends his time contemplating the nature of his small universe.

Besides that, nothing spectacular happend this weekend, which I name a blessing. It's not often that I can party, live, and love without some drama being involved. But don't you worry: this weekend had it's fair share of riduclouness. Noah kissed me, which was wierd, I twisted my ankle in my black fuck-me boots, which did NOT work by the way, and I drank a lot of pumpkin ale.

Oh, and I went and picked up my pictures from Osco. There are some really good ones. Will's going to show me how to upload pictures to my free webspace from U of C, then how I can host them on my blog. But, they couldn't find one of the rolls. Uh ohh. I will kill if they lost half of my ACL pics. Lauren was right: sometimes you just need to break down and pay for one-hour photo: the won't get misplaced that way. But, no worries yet, I have the slip with the number on it, and the girl at Osco said that if I bring that in, they should be able to find it. How that tiny slip of paper will make my pictures reappear, I haven't figured out yet, but it's worth a shot.

I have to get up super early and Reg it up a bit. I'm still soo behind. I have to do a Simmel reading. I might not get to it though -- I'm still working on the reading for tomorrow (it's a 100 pages. Oh, i don't heart you U of C.) and I have to give a presentation on it. Ehhck. And I think I may have a French quiz. That class is machochistic. I mean, I'm taking this class "for fun" and it's been everything but. Our quiz is over the le gerondif, gerand clauses in anglais. I would like the record to show that I have no idea what that is in English, let alone French.

But lets talk about good things coming up: I'm making ghetto spinach pie tomorrow for several people, if I get a check from my dad. The weather's supposed to be nice. Big Ass Texas BBQ coming up soon! Hooray beef! Oh, and I flipped my feather comforter, so now the fluffy side is by my face. (Small pleasures, small pleasures, who can deny us these?) And most importantly -- My Back Is All Better! *Knock on Wood. If I have a progression of symptoms, or pass out again, I'm going to have to get an MRI. Happy thoughts. Happy thoughts. Baby ducks, soft sweaters, cold water, clean sheets, new pens, nag champa, and coffee.

Time to go read another 50 pages of Shils. Yay? Harrumpff.


At 9:32 AM, Blogger lauren said...

Sometimes? No. Always. NEVER EVER EVER SEND OUT PHOTOS. Your pictures could very well be in California right now. We got out-of-state rolls all the time. Bets of luck getting them back.


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