Inherently Ridiculous

Nuggets of Wisdom, Bowls of Preponderance. Ashing on Your Floor Since 2003.


Dear Prof. Haugeland,

My paper, as you can see, is late. But! for good reason.

When you passed out the final, I protested after class because I was going camping. I spent that Thursday afternoon through Memorial Day evening in Chilicothe, Illinios, dancing in a field. I attended Summer Camp, a music festival 10,000 hippies strong where mind-expanding experiences were had by all.

In short, while I did some reading (and ridiculous heurmenetics) by the campfire, I wasn't able to begin this paper until after classes on Tuesday. And by "begin this paper," I mean finish up all the reading I'd skipped before starting to write.

There's more to my tardiness than that though. Why didn't I just sit down and write the whole thing on Tuesday evening? For one, I am a busy woman who dares to schedule so much into one life it sometimes appears as if I'm consciously planning to be overwhelmed at least once a quarter.

More importantly, though, for two, I wanted to give this paper the time it deserves. As I'm sure you're aware, I didn't do so hot on the mid-term. There are many reasons why this is so, but none of them alters the fact. Not wanting to fail, I also needed to take the time to sit on my porch, drink a beer, and mull over notes and such, a luxury I didn't have the last go round. I've also learned recently that I write much more cogently when I'm not on all sorts of cough medication.

Is this paper worth all that time, effort, thinking, off-handed excuse writing? Possibly. Hopefully. Whatever the outcome of this scholastic endeavor, I want to thank you for your course. I feel I've come out of the experience with a better understanding of some of the overarching ideas presented by Heidegger, and a deep sense of how much I don't yet know. I have been inspired to continue my pursuit to understand Heidegger further because I now understand the reward his work has to offer. Thank you for making Heidegger both accessible and awe-inspiringly difficult.

I hope you have an enjoyable summer.

  • Mia


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