Inherently Ridiculous

Nuggets of Wisdom, Bowls of Preponderance. Ashing on Your Floor Since 2003.


Chillin' with Mable (the couch)
And Punkin!
All the Cool Kids Write Papers
Moby: Play
Heidegger is soooo not my bitch.
In fact, I was pretty much owned.
5:22 am
Thursday, May 4, 2006

I need to come up with a better way for dealing with people. Namely, for specifically dealing with people I don't want to deal with. "Deal with" implies that said persons are already a part of my life, and by doing said action, they will become less so. Currently, whens someone needs to be dealt with, I just cease communicating with them. Entirely. It works suprisingly well, yet I feel it lacks compassionate kindness. Maintaining physical distance while being less then warm and amiable? Not very nice, but what do you do? Really, I ask you, what do you do?

I've been sick sick sick but today! Today! I woke up full of dayness. (By wake - up I mean get off the couch where I'd been dosing while watching Diego with the Cute and Small) You know how sometimes you wake up, realizing that you have 643.8 things to do, all before lunch? And sometimes, that rare, beautiful sometimes (usually positively correlated with the weather and impending springness) you're not whelmed over or under. You stand ready and willing to greet the day, meet the task, give full measure, earn you beer on the porch when all's said and done. You are full of dayness. And today I was.

I got a wonderful note.

Dear Mia --

You just don't know how much a joy it is to get those short phone calls from you. They lighten my day -- and give me a reason to persist. I have to be honest. I have a direction in my life now, however some days those goals seem far away and unattainable. I see how hard you are working to reach yours and it gives me a kick in the ass. Always remember that i love you -- and maintain Balance in all you do.

Love always,


So, with that, without even knowing, my Dad has yet again inspired me to suck less at life -- academia to be specific. These last two weeks have been a waste of the governments money as far as my education goes. What gives? Dad's note made me realize that the Balance has come askew. And, thanks to our fantastic, loving circle of understanding and support, I can see that and work towards correcting it.


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