Inherently Ridiculous

Nuggets of Wisdom, Bowls of Preponderance. Ashing on Your Floor Since 2003.


Of the Highest Quality

Each and every quarter I make resolutions, using the forced restructuring of my life, the counting of the weeks, the planning ahead to spur me into action. As I told Alii the other day, I sometimes feel as if my mission is to continuously become and even bigger bad ass. It's like Cam's New Year's resolution to do everything better, only actively renewed every trimester.

This Spring Quarter I've decided to embrace paradox: chaos and the nap. Focusing on the sides of me that are as in need of cultivation as this mind of mine, yet often not given enough priority. I feel as if I've spent the entirety of my life placing school before and above all and I'm not about to reverse that position. Come on, that would be folly.
But well, I don't want all my inner-fun to die. I'm talking more of a shifting of focus while maintaining the foundation, employing the same pieces to slightly different ends -- ends of the highest quality.

Basically, to sum, I'm going to be a giant slacker.

But with purpose! This is my goal! You see, with just a slight tweak I can change the question and not lose all honor and integrity: how much of a slacker can I be, how much fun and personal betterment can I bring into my life (aka: awesome) without compromising my scholastic intents?

I was talking to Punkin about this last week and to quote as I foolishly thought I was going to leave to do work: "Oh, wait. You're only taking three classes. Naw dude. You don't have to start doing work until, like, sixth week. Seriously, you're good." And then we promptly found five dollars. Advice from someone who knows.

Tenants of the 5-Fold Slacker Plan

1. Dreads.
2. Smoothies.
3. Capoeira! CAPOEIRA!
4. Increased gangsta shit.
5. All reading is optional.

So, after the Keller Show (the one I made it to, goddamnit. More about that ones later.), in a moment of transplendent clarity, I decided to stop washing my hair. Yup. Dreads are something I've been wanting to do, planning on doing, waiting, waiting. But what for? Moving to Austin? Peace Corp? Why not start now? In the greater philosophy that is my life I believe we have fewer valid reasons not to pursue the things we truly want then we like to believe, whether we're conscious of this or not. And in that spirit, I've been submitting myself to some pretty intense hair experiences.

How does this whole thing work? Since my hair is curly, basically all I have to do is stop washing my hair, and let Alii backcomb (read: knotting, tearing, teasing, scrunching, rolling.) the hell out of it. Hey, I have so many cool scarves and now, the perfect reason to wear them constantly. It saves time and worry really. Once they're formed, we're going to color them red and gold and purple, full of beads and awesome. Until then, I have bells because I don't make enough noise anyway.

"Oh, hey, let me check myself out in the mirror. Uh huh. Uh huh. Oh, how's my hair? Oh yea. Gross. Right on."

Don't get me wrong, I didn't miss the smoothie train that slammed into consumer culture about three years ago. I've recently been rediscovering the glory that is healthy food, organic smoothies in the morning and A COSTCO MEMBERSHIP. The combination of these factors has lead oranges to become closely akin to water: something you should have about, share with your friends, and consume as much as possible. There's something pretty glorious about not only walking into to Ethics two minutes late, but GIANT SMOOTHIE IN HAND, bells and bracelets jingling, to promptly sit on the floor, basking in The Splendor and Glory that is Michael Green, everything right and true in the world, moral satisfaction in liquid form.


I'm getting my ass kicked. No shitting you dude, moving is a whole new abomination, stairs a horror, and I had to repeatedly remind myself that I am in fact a warrior so as to not give up halfway on the walk to campus. But once I got there, I couldn't stop checking out me and my hott bod in all visible reflective surfaces. As my Dad used to tell me when I was weight training and running 2 miles a day back in the Land of Usta-Could, the pain is just the suck leaving your body. To which I would shout: To be filled with AWESOME!

Gangsta Shit: Assundry Things I'm Doing, Like Ya Do

I've finally succumb: I'm doing scavhunt. Roadtrip with the F.I.S.T. w00t.

So, last weekend, we (Punkin, Will the Viking, and I) decided to go the Keller show in Indianapolis. To make a long story short, like always, we brought the horrible weather with us, got foiled by the TIME CHANGE ( I scorn you Indiana), missed the show, and ended up blingin' the fuck at the Hilton all night, thank you Papa Sailor. We did stumble upon the Indiana State museum and their grounds, a swear-to-god-i-can't-make-this-shit-up Talking Bridge. Yea, you wish you'd been there, I know.

I'm gauging my ears. I'm up to 4.11 mm but I want to go to 8.25.

I've also recently taken to holding my ground and speaking my piece/peace. I sleep a lot better at night.

All Reading is Optional
I haven't done work in a few weeks, and that's okay by me. I'm taking amazing classes. Heidegger's "Being and Time", Introduction to Ethics, and Lewis Carroll's "Alice and Wonderland." I have to write a paper this weekend, but such is life. I love all my classes, but with the sunshine and the gangsta shit, I can't seem to find time to read about Utilitarianism. Although I did learn yesterday that Jesus was a Utilitarian! Utilitarianism, or as we call it Ethical Hedonism, says that one should aim for the greatest good for the greatest number of people. To discuss this inside a logical construct Michael Green insists on working terms of Hedons. HEDONS. Yea, you'll get it, and then it'll be hilarious.

Peace, love, and potatoes,

- M

ps. No, the cute baby is not potty trained.
pps. I may still smell of pee.
ppps. Hedon = unit of pleasure
pppps. Happy Holiday!


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