Inherently Ridiculous

Nuggets of Wisdom, Bowls of Preponderance. Ashing on Your Floor Since 2003.



The Reg
Jammin' to Dave
Almost on done with my ethical paper
Gonna have a work party with punkin
1:41 am
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
Happy Birthday Evan!

The paper's coming along. I took a four hour nap instead of going to capoeira, took care of some business, and am well armed with chocolate, sugar-free red bull and Sprite.

I had a super interesting talk with Aaron earlier. He claims that the world is on an upswing. In fact, he posits that we, as a human race are about to break free from our sinusoidal wave of death, destruction, rebirth and revolution. He sees George W. as another push in that direction. As he sees it, the good people are having an easier time of it.

And this from shouting revolution at the end of seeing "V for Vendetta."

While I'm not sure I agree entirely, I do support the view that there is a revolution of sorts happening, at least I hope so. Not the flashy type, full of slogans, angry mobs, regime overthrows and weeping mothers, but a revolution nonetheless. I'm not ready to venture if this is occurring outside of my circle of humanity, the slices of reality that I encounter and modify daily.

It's a revolution of introspection. The growth of the willingness, in fact joy in learning about oneself. Examining motives, change, beauty, love, faith. In short, I've been sensing a renewed effort to question life and our fellow man for the answers they've found to the same frustratingly transcendent riddles. To channel Heidegger for a moment, if you'll excuse me, it's as if we've slowly, almost unpreceiveably become more concerned with what it means to possess Dasein: to be an entity that has being as we attempt to understand what that being is, in itself.

Where do I see this? On the internet explosion of thoughtful, well-written blogs. In the explosion of artistic creation by people who claim they 'can't paint.' Yet they take up the paintbrush nonetheless, exploring a terrain of blank canvas towards a better understanding of self. Hippie Church has many new converts, all eager to explore her mysteries. It's the way we interact with one another, reaching for understanding, and compassionate kindness. It's jammin' in public, doing what feels right, standing by your convictions while being open to heated debate. It's putting band-aids on punkin's bike wounds, Ser Wilheim walking to the Reg to smoke cigarettes with me in a bathrobe and a tie just to make me laugh. It's communal beverages, positive change, quality reflection, honest opinions, and late night talks. Naps in the sun, calling my parents and paying my bills on time. It's asking forgiveness, granting understanding, and expecting so much of a person, and not settling. Ever.

So, yea. I'm doing better. After freaking out a bit, burying my head under the blankets at Cute Baby's for a while, she came up to me and sat by my head, patting the lump of lap throws with her tiny hands. "Bhut whake-up Mee-ah! Wwe haf to gho save bhaby jagwah! And Dhorwa!" And, I sat up, deciding to feed her strawberries while I brushed out her curls, not caring if she got red all over her white shirt or rubbed her sticky face and hands onto me as she snuggled closer.


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