Inherently Ridiculous

Nuggets of Wisdom, Bowls of Preponderance. Ashing on Your Floor Since 2003.


Too [Blank] to [Blank]

9:44 am
Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Too [Blank] to [Blank]

It has been too hot to function lately. Seriously. I don't have air conditioning, and it's been in the 100s. Yuck. I spent the weekend sitting down, doing as little as possible, making sure that my skin was in no way in contact with any other skin, my own included. It's been miserable.

I'm too sore/yucky to function properly. I think I'm getting ill. My back's been hurting really badly for the past few days -- I had to leave work early yesterday -- and that's a pretty good indicator that I'm getting ill. Especially now, as the soreness has spread all over my body. Concentration is hard and I'm kinda nauseated. Woo hoo.

Other then that life's fine, I guess. Still lonely, though it's good to have Alii back. I fear the Tall-Blond Biochemist is falling off the planet, or consciously shutting me out of his life, or both. And I feel silly for feeling that way. And it's hot, and my back hurts.

Too insecure to wait/trust/hope/dream?

Too young to date me?
I bought a drum this weekend, where I got hit on by the dude at the music store. Swear to God, he goes "So, care if I call you in a couple of days and see how that drum's working out for you?" Smooth. Does that line work? I think Alii would laugh herself retarded if he actually calls, which I doubt he will. I'm guessing he's just out of high school, moved to the burbs to get away from the parents, and has no idea what he's about. I could be wrong, but probably not. We'll see when he calls won't we?

I'm so very close to finishing Bryan's painting -- so watch the mail. It's pretty bling-tastic if I don't say so myself. Next, Eric's.

Ehhck. I have to go sing with kids. If only they knew that it hurts to exist. At least we have air at work.


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